This function bootstraps model predictions and generates variable profiles for each response variable based on the provided yhats.
- yhats
A list of model predictions (e.g., from mrIMLpredicts).
- num_bootstrap
The number of bootstrap samples to generate (default: 10).
- Y
The response data.
- downsample
Logical. Should the bootstrap samples be downsampled? (default: FALSE).
- mode
: 'classification' or 'regression' depending on the model type.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example usage:
# Prepare response data
Y <- dplyr::select(Bird.parasites, -scale.prop.zos) %>%
dplyr::select(sort(names(.))) # Response variables (e.g., SNPs, pathogens, species)
# Example list of yhats generated from mrIMLpredicts (assume yhats_rf is defined)
yhats_rf <- mrIMLpredicts(...) # Replace with actual code to generate yhats_rf
# Perform bootstrap analysis
bs_analysis <- mrBootstrap(yhats = yhats_rf, Y = Y, num_bootstrap = 50, mode = 'classification')
} # }